市场如战场 The Financial Market Is Like A Battlefield

In the timeless treatise “The Art of War,” Sun Tzu declared, “兵者,国之大事” – the art of war is of vital importance to the State. He emphasised that it is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin, and thus, “不可不察也” – it is a subject of enquiry which can on no account be neglected.

In the realm of wealth and portfolio management, these ancient words resonate with profound significance. As stewards of your investments, we at Valence Global Fund understand that the decisions we make are not trivial. They carry weight, akin to the strategic moves in warfare that Sun Tzu spoke of centuries ago.

The process of selecting investments and allocating capital is not to be likened to a casual affair such as getting a haircut. A haircut gone wrong may be a temporary inconvenience, but a poor investment decision can lead to permanent financial loss. Sometimes, a write-off may seem inconsequential, but without a sound investment strategy, the cumulative effect of these losses can jeopardise financial security.

At Eu Capital, we recognise that the essence of victory lies not in the multitude of voices clamouring for attention, but in the quality and integrity of the information we base our decisions upon. We engage in rigorous primary research, delving deep into the fundamentals that drive value. We eschew the noise of frivolous speakers and the often-biased perspectives of sell-side reports. Our commitment is to the unvarnished truth, the kind that can only be gleaned from meticulous study and analysis.

We must not underestimate the value of a quality investment decision. The choices we make today shape the financial landscapes of tomorrow. It is with this understanding that we approach each investment with the diligence it deserves, knowing that the right decision can mean the difference between prosperity and peril.

As we part, let us reflect on these words, an interpretation of Sun Tzu’s wisdom through the lens of financial management:


In managing finances, as in life, the smallest details can mean the difference between mere sustenance and prosperity, and the largest decisions can determine our very survival. It is a matter not to be overlooked.

Invest wisely, for the art of wealth management, much like the art of war, is a discipline of critical consequence.